decorative picture for principal's block with principal's picture

About Our Schools

3 months ago


Located at the corner of Hanson
nd Coolidge in Cheyenne, 
instructs grade levels
re-Kindergarten through 2nd.

Picture of the Lebhart school buildings


Located at 2801 East 10th Street, 
Fairview Elementary is the sister
to Lebhart that educates
grades 3rd through 6th.

Picture of the Fairview school building

We are a school of learners for learners.

Our Mission
In cooperation with the students, parents, staff and the communitywe strive to guarantee a safe, orderly learning environment which develops skills to assist and inspire students in becoming productive, contributing citizens. 

Our Vision
Build a community of collaborative, responsible, and successful learners with high academic expectations, where each individual is valued and takes pride in his/her accomplishments.

District School Year Calendars
Community Athletic Resources page
Nutrition Services