Fairview Building Information
front door area of Fairview Elementary school

Cara Ogirima, Principal

Click on Fairview Info on the top link above for online directions to the school.

Main Office: 307-771-2610 Email: fairview@laramie1.org Fax: 307-771-2478

2801 E. 10th St. Cheyenne, WY 82001

picture of Lebhart

Cara Ogirima, Principal

Click on Lebhart Info on the top link above for online directions to the school.

Main Office: 307-771-2614 Email: lebhart@laramie1.org Fax: 307-771-2393

807 Coolidge St. Cheyenne, WY 82001

Principal Quote

"What we learn with pleasure we never forget" Alfred Mercier


2 years ago

"what we learn with pleasure we never forget"

                           ~Alfred Mercier~

Cara E. Ogirima

Photo of school principal
Photo of Lebhart Elementary

Lebhart Elementary

Photo of the school grounds

Pre-K through 2nd Grade Education

Dear Lebhart Parents,

We would like to welcome you to our school. We are committed to making our school a productive place to work and learn. We work diligently to help our children become productive, successful adults. We believe that academic success, social responsibility, and good decision making are top priorities.

We encourage parents to become involved in our school. We have an active parent-teacher organization and a collaborative decision making team. If you can volunteer time or have ideas that will enhance our program, please feel welcome to share with us. If you have concerns, please notify the teacher or myself so that we may have the opportunity to resolve the concerns.

We hope you and your children enjoy your experience at Lebhart School. Please feel free to contact at 771-2614 if we can assist you in any way.

We are starting the process of merging the Lebhart and Fairview Websites into ONE!

We feel this will be a beneficial change for everyone involved. Check back often to see the changes!

We may be in two buildings however we are one family.